The Atchison County Courthouse was closed Tuesday, January 26, 2021, due to weather. The Atchison County Commission did not hold a meeting.


The Commission met Thursday, January 28, 2021.  Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bills were reviewed and approved.

Additions and abatements to the tax books for November 2020 were approved as follows: personal property – 2018, $1.48; 2019,$592.46; 2020, $21,931.74. Abatements from the personal tax books – 2020, $2,667.58. Real property – additions to the tax books – 2020, $4,056.70; abatements from the tax books – 2020, $4,256.05.

ACDC Director Monica Bailey and Assessor Lori Jones were present at 9:30 a.m. to review the Outlaw Wind Project request for construction extension submitted by Ameren on December 31, 2020. Due to delays in blade production related to COVID-19 they have been unable to complete the project by the original construction deadline of December 31, 2020. The request for extension was submitted to all board members of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone and Assessor Jones for review. Director Bailey and Assessor Jones reported at the meeting that everyone agreed to allow the extension until December 31, 2021, and requested the Commission’s approval. The extension agreement prepared by Attorney Ivan Schrader was reviewed. Following the review, the commissioners voted to grant the extension and sign the agreement. Clerk Taylor forwarded the fully executed agreement to Charlene Kim with Ameren.

Rhonda Wiley, Emergency Management/E-911 Director, was in to present the 2021 Region H Hazmat Agreement for approval. Director Wiley reviewed that the agreement allows Atchison County to have the HAZMAT Team to respond to a chemical emergency in Atchison County with no additional charges.  The commissioners voted to approve the agreement with Region H for HAZMAT services in the amount of $1,421.00. Presiding Commissioner Livengood signed the agreement and Clerk Taylor will forward the agreement to Region H.

Director Wiley then discussed renovations to the E-911 office to allow for social distancing. The way the office is currently set up it is not possible to do so and creates concerns if one person comes down with COVID and then requires the remainder of the staff to quarantine. This is a big problem for emergency response staffing in a small office. The commission will visit the office next Tuesday before making any decisions.

Garry McFee and Jon Dwiggins with Howe Company, LLC, met with the commission to continue BRO discussion. Jon presented information on seven bridges with Atchison County that would currently qualify for BRO funding. Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer was in another meeting and was unable to attend. Mr. Dwiggins reviewed the BRO funds available and the soft match funding with the commission. After discussion, Mr. Dwiggins was going to look into some information that the commission questioned and wanted to review the information with Supervisor Meyer.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.


The Commission met Tuesday, February 2, 2021.  Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bills were reviewed and approved.

Month-end department reports were reviewed and approved by the commission.

At 9:00 a.m. Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer met with the commission to present the state bids for a John Deere grader, a John Deere loader, and a Ford F-350 one ton pick-up. Supervisor Meyer stated that due to production delays related to COVID he wanted to go ahead with ordering equipment approved in his 2021 budget. Production is currently so delayed that even with placing an order now there is no guarantee on a delivery date. After reviewing all bids and discussing the options of trade versus selling the used grader and loader outright, the commissioners voted to accept all three state bids as presented and move forward with Supervisor Meyer placing the order. Supervisor Meyer plans to move his current pick-up into the road and bridge fleet and sell one of the older pick-ups.

Supervisor Meyer then presented a bid for a Peterbilt semi tractor from Sorcewell, which does satisfy the competitive bid process. The semi will replace a 2007 MAC truck, which will be sold outright.  The commissioners voted to accept the bid from Sourcewell as presented and move forward with Supervisor Meyer placing the order.  

The commissioners traveled to the 911 Center to meet with Director Wiley to discuss possible renovations to allow dispatchers the ability to social distance. Due to the current set-up and layout it is not an option when more than one dispatcher is needed at the dispatch station. Director Wiley will work on setting up specifications to review with the commission before going out for bid.

Clerk Taylor presented the annual intergovernmental agreements between the county and the Phelps City Special Road District and the Tarkio Special Road District. Ag acres within each district were updated, but there were no other changes for payment of CART and sales tax funds. Both agreements were signed by the commission and will be forwarded to the districts for their signatures.

The FY-20 prioritization requests for the Transportation Advisory Committee from the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments were reviewed by the commission. The commission agreed to resubmit the 2019 priorities as none have been addressed by MoDOT. That list includes every lettered route in Atchison County.

The commission received a Notice of Completion pursuant to Resolution 2017-01 (approved on June 22, 2017) and the substantial completion report pursuant to the provisions of Section 2(a) of the agreement. The notice stated that on January 29, 2021, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri, as successor-in-interest to Outlaw Wind Project, LLC (Company”) has substantially completed 46 wind turbine generators (WTGs) of the facility. WTGs and nameplate capacity were attached showing a total of 111,600.00 KW capacity.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.