February 8, 1946

• There has been on display in the Mail’s window this week a large watermelon which Ross Herron brought in Tuesday morning. It was pulled last September and has been kept in the basement of the Herron home. Apparently, the melon is as solid as the day it was taken from the vine. Not having the authority to cut the melon, the Mail force can’t say as to its quality.

• Don Friday, Rock Port’s shoemaker, has been appointed daytime city marshal and assumed his new duties Wednesday. His hours will be from 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. Arch Hackl continues as night watchman.

• Farmers City 4-H Club of Atchison County was recently given recognition as one of the 100 best 4-H clubs in Missouri. The club is 21 years old, which is quite remarkable, as the average life of such clubs is 5.8 years.

February 11, 1971

• Jonna Kirk was crowned queen and Richard Makings was crowned king at the Basketball Homecoming on Groundhog Day.

• Paul Anderson of Kansas City will be the new manager of the Atchison County Co-Op. Anderson has been affiliated with the grain business for 25 years in Missouri and Kansas. He will begin his duties February 15, replacing Noel Scott.

• The amount in the five Atchison County banks at the close of business December 31, 1970, showed a total of $32,201,696.77.

February 8, 1996 

• Sub-zero temperatures caused many pipes to freeze, resulting in water breaks in Rock Port. The temperature was -22 degrees Fahrenheit Friday night, February 2, as the Rock Port volunteer firemen were called to a house fire.

• The Cub Scout Pack 59 Scouts have had a busy year with their Pinewood Derby, Scout Sunday, a tour of Burke & Sons Lumber Company in Fairfax, and first aid training by the ambulance crew. The Scouts will hold the Blue & Gold Event, celebrating the 86th birthday of Scouting, February 8.

• The bloodmobile collected 66 pints of blood at the blood drive in Rock Port February 1. A total of 79 donors offered to help with this worthwhile endeavor that surpassed the goal of 50 pints.