One of the most common diseases of peach trees is peach leaf curl. The peach leaves are reddish-green, curled, deformed and puckered. This disease is found during the growing season but must be controlled before buds are swollen. This disease can weaken trees by causing leaves to drop.

Key to successful control is to apply a fungicide before the buds begin to swell in the spring. You can apply a fungicide in February or March. If buds are swollen, your fungicide will not be effective.

Do not apply fungicides below 40 degrees or when temperatures risk freezing before the product dries.

There are several fungicides labeled for this disease such as chlorothalonil, Bordeaux mixture and liquid lime sulfur. Be sure to thoroughly cover the tree during the application.

For more information, contact Wayne Flanary, Field Specialist in Agronomy, University of Missouri Extension at 816-279-1691.