March 8, 1946

• The American Troubadours will present “From Billings to Boogie-Woogie” at David Rankin Hall March 19. The unique outfit is composed of a mixed quartet, each well known in opera, concert, radio, and even films, accompanied by guitar or piano, and under the direction of John De Merchant, noted baritone, actor, composer, conductor, and former university instructor.

• Dr. A.B. Thutt has resigned as pastor of the Tarkio Presbyterian Church after 35 years at the pulpit. Of those years, Dr. Thutt spent some 14 years in Cherokee, Iowa, and 16 years in Clarinda, Iowa. He came to Tarkio in August of 1942.

• Mr. and Mrs. Andy Politz have sold their residence to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Humphrey, recent purchasers of the Politz Candy Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Politz, who went to Sioux City, Iowa, Thursday, are contemplating moving to Sioux City for residence.

March 11, 1971

• Tom Mackey, 6’4” 245-pound defensive tackle from Illinois, was picked by the Washington Redskins football team as a free agent for the 1971 season. Tom played varsity football for Tarkio College for four years and was captain during his senior year. He was also named ot the All-Conference and All-District teams for the last two seasons.

• The Board of Directors of The Farmers and Valley Bank of Tarkio last week entered into a contract with American Bank Contractors, Inc. of Atchison, Kansas, for the construction of complete new quarters for the bank. The new structure of approximately 8,000 square feet will be located at the present site of the old International Harvester Building in the 500 block of Main Street in Tarkio. Utilization of the old Sinclair Service building will follow completing of the banking quarters expected to take seven to 10 months.

• D.A. Ferguson accepted the plaque for the Distinguished Achievement Award for Tarkio in Washington, D.C. The award was presented by Congressman William R. Hull and Richard Hackendahl, Director of the National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau.

March 7, 1996

• Ashley Knierim of Tarkio, representing the Elks Lodge of Shenandoah, Iowa, won the state of Iowa eight- and nine-year-old division and advanced to the Regional Hoop Shoot. Ashley made 18 of 25 free-throws to win. At regionals, she will compete against the winners from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois for the right to advance to nationals.

• The Tarkio First Baptist Church will host revival services March 13-17 with guest evangelist chalk artist Buddy Kiem. Each night, Reverend Kiem will use fluorescent chalk and black lights to bring out hidden pictures as he shares the message.