Atchison County Community Services, Inc. in partner with Second Harvest will be holding a food drop, weather permitting, Tuesday, March 16, in Tarkio. The food drop will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue until 12:00 noon (while supplies last).
Vehicles should line up on 3rd Street (starting at the intersection of 3rd and Main) and then turn onto Main Street. You can then drive up to volunteers at 4th and Main Street who will put the food in your vehicle. Each car will be allowed to collect food for two families.
This is for all Atchison County residents and there are no income guidelines. If you are are a shut-in and need food, contact Atchison County Community Services Director Sam O’Riley no later than Monday before the food drop. Volunteers are also needed, so if you are able to help and can lift, contact Sam at 660-736-4646.