March 8, 1946

• A boy weighing 5 1/2 pounds was born February 21 at the Hamburg hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Hall of the Linden community. The father, who was discharged from the army and arrived home on February 26, did not know that he had a son until he arrived to find the week-old baby awaiting him.

• A barn on the Mercer Burke place east of Green Hill cemetery in Rock Port was destroyed by fire about three o’clock Sunday afternoon. The structure contained hay, baled oats straw, some lumber, and other things. Mr. and Mrs. James Burke, living on the place, were away from home at the time of the fire and did not know of the loss until they returned later in the day.

March 11, 1971

• Walt Confer, 26, is the new sales manager of the TBA department for the Hippo Melvin Oil Company in Rock Port. Confer began his new duties March 1 and will be in charge of tire, battery, and accessory sales at the station.

• Interstate 29 contracts for $3,637,221 have been let for work from Hamburg north to Payne.

• A $30,000 fire destroyed most of the rolling stock belonging to the City of Rock Port reducing everything in the old Deatz Produce building to ashes in a matter of minutes Wednesday noon and threatening the city fire house. Gene Bunn, city personnel director, estimated that replacement purchase would be about double the $30,000 amount. Cause of the fire could not be pinpointed. According to an unofficial report, there was a hookup with a battery charger for one of the machines that might have caused the fire.

March 7, 1996

• Several youth recently participated in a Super Sitter Training Program sponsored by the Development Council of Community Hospital. Taking the course were Kristina Lloyd, Melissa Herron, Ashley Whisler, Tasha Herron, Jesse Murphy, Kristan Knierim, Merrenda Ingram, Cassie Lewis, and Courtney Loucks. Baby Chandler Farmer, son of W.C. and Shauna Farmer, Rock Port, provided the students with the live entertainment while processes of diapering and bathing were discussed.

• Atchison County Head Start morning session students have been studying about China. They discussed and celebrated the Chinese New Year as well as reading the story A Chinese Folk Tale. Each child made a place mat and Chinese lantern and learned to eat their Chinese meal with chop sticks.

• Twenty-six youth in first through fifth grades participated in the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Math-a-Thon this year, collecting $1,691.33. Nicole Lytle achieved the highest sales of all raising $149.29. She received a dual deck radio recorder (boom box) as well as a free admission ticket to Six Flags, a Math-A-Thon t-shirt, and a sports bag.