The Rock Port Food Pantry is currently low on the following items: spinach, crackers, rice, pancake mix, syrup, peaches, pineapple, chicken, spam, jelly, fruit juice (no apple), cleaning items, and personal hygiene items.

Corn, green beans, and macaroni and cheese are not needed until further notice.

The Rock Port Food Pantry is trying to stock some items that families cannot buy on SNAP. These items include personal/hygiene items, deodorant, cleaning supplies, trash bags, baby items, and denture care products.

The food pantry has also started a “meal in a bag” program. This will be a bag with a recipe card and items to make a meal that someone can pick up on a visit.

If you live in Rock Port or Watson you may qualify for services at the Rock Port Ministerial Alliance. For more information, call Erika at 660-744-2101.

Items can be taken to the Rock Port United Methodist Church and placed into one of the shopping carts located in the lobby. Monetary donations may be mailed to the Rock Port Ministerial Alliance, P.O. Box 226, Rock Port, MO 64482. Write Food Pantry on the memo line.