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EA celebrating Fall Homecoming

October 11, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Tarkio High School and Fairfax High School students and faculty are celebrating Fall Homecoming the week of October 7-11, 2024, with the homecoming football game and coronation of the kings and queens on Friday night, October 11.

A volleyball game will be held Wednesday, October 9, at Fairfax with the Lady Wolves hosting Maysville. A jersey auction, color war, and bonfire will take place at the Fairfax football field immediately following the volleyball games. Jerseys will be auctioned for a minimum bid of $25 with a maximum of $100. Money raised will be split evenly between the schools.

The parade will be held on Friday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. on Main Street in Tarkio, followed by a pep assembly at the Tarkio football field immediately following.

The East Atchison Wolves will take on the DeKalb Tigers in varsity football action Friday, October 11, at Kyle Field and M. David Palmeiro Stadium at 7:00 p.m. The East Atchison cheerleaders and East Atchison dance team will both perform at halftime, and there will also be a Tarkio/Fairfax bands field show. Coronation  will take place immediately following the game.


This year’s homecoming theme is “Make Homecoming Monumental!” Queen and king candidates are: Abbie Harms, Jayla Irvine, Lizzie Schlueter, River Dow, Owen Derosier, and Gabe Harms. Attendants are: juniors – Isaac Vette and Olivia Schaefer; sophomores – Brody Wennihan and Danika Agnew; and freshmen – Luke Gebhards and Macy Stepp. A banner decorating contest will be held, as well as class contests, dress-up days, a window decorating contest, and a parade float contest. To go along with the homecoming theme, the Tarkio High School students have chosen monuments: seniors – Mount Rushmore; juniors – Colosseum; sophomores – Statue Of Liberty; freshmen – St. Louis Arch; eighth grade – Golden Gate Bridge; seventh grade – Great Wall Of China; and sixth grade – Pyramids. Class contests include: Monday – Tug O War; Tuesday – 7 Wonders Of The World Relay; Wednesday – Water Brigade; and Thursday – Car Relay. Homecoming dress-up days are: Monday – Jersey Day; Tuesday – Formal Wear (boys wear jackets and ties and girls wear dresses); Wednesday – Dress Like One Of Your Parents; Thursday – First Letter Occupation (dress like an occupation of the first letter of your name); and Friday – Black, Silver & Orange Day (Show your East Atchison Wolves spirit). Main Street windows to be decorated include: seniors – Post Office; juniors – Farmers State Bank; sophomores – ABY Fitness; freshmen – Rogers Pharmacy; eighth graders – Soaks ’Em Clean; seventh graders – Atchison County Veterinary Clinic; and sixth graders – the Agnews’ building.


This year’s Fairfax home-coming king candidates are Clayton Vernon, Luke Swinehart, Kendall Kingery, and Bryon Ohlensehlen. Queen candidates are Payton Woodring and Grace Oswald. Queen attendants are Amelia Larson and KayDee Duering. The students will be participating in the following dress-up days: Monday – PJ Day (get comfy and wear your pajamas to school); Tuesday – Tourist Tuesday (dress like a tourist on vacation); Wednesday – Western Wednesday (dress up like you’re from the wild west and wear your cowboy gear); Thursday – Decades Day (get your vintage gear out and dress up like you’re from a certain decade); and Friday – Spirit Day (Show your EA spirit and wear your Wolves gear).


October 11, 2024
1:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Atchison County Mail