Submitted by Janice Phelps, Recording Secretary
The April 3, 2018, regular meeting of the William White Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was held at the Mound City Nutrition Site. Ruth Rother led a regular blessing for the meal.
Regent Annamarie Hunziger called the meeting to order with 10 members present. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and sang the national anthem.
The program was on Bess Truman and was given by Karen Fischer and Janice Phelps.
Karen was the interviewer and asked questions of Bess Truman (portrayed by Janice Phelps). The questions to Bess were about how she and President Truman met, their courtship, marriage and the birth of their only child Margaret.
DAR Ritual was completed by the members, reciting the American’s Creed, Preamble of Allegiance to the State of Missouri and Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Chaplain Karen Fischer gave a short devotion, “That New Spring Feeling,” in spring rebirth is everywhere. May spring renew our hopes and joys – great to be alive.
The President General’s Message was read by Regent Hunziger. The Constitution Minute was given by Ruth Rother, Conservation Minute was given by Karen Fischer; and Women’s Issues was given by Marjorie Field.
The December 7 minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Phelps and were approved as read. The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer, Susan Rippen and were approved and filed for audit.
Thank you notes were read from Tacy Mitchell of Fairfax for the Good Citizen Award and cash she had received and also from Veteran’s Home in Cameron for our Christmas gift.
Karen Fischer will be in charge of the memorial service for deceased members at our May meeting.
After all old and new business had been discussed, Regent Hunziger adjourned the meeting.