Submitted by Secretary, Geri Duren

Ralph Greer American Legion Auxiliery met on June 6, 2016, President Evelyn Hord opened the meeting. Chaplain Nancy Daughtery gave opening prayer. There were eight members present. Secretary’s Report was given and accepted. Treasurer’s Report was given and accepted. We received a donation of $100. Our poppies sale did really well this year. Big thank you to our Jr. members, Beth Davis and Ashleigh King and honorary Jr. member Ryder Proctor for helping.
The Auxiliary has two quilts on display at Do It Best. We will be selling tickets for them and they will be given away at Old Fashioned Saturday Night.
We received four thank you notes from the nursing care in Mound City and Rock Port for the May baskets that the Jr. members made up. There will be a flag disposal ceremony at the Park on June 20. We have been ask to furnish cookies. Our Jr. members have been asked to walk in the member parade at the hotel Hilton at Kansas City. We have three members going. Evelyn advised us that we’ll be hosting the March district meeting.
Membership renewal will start in August. Membership for Sr. will be $25, Jr. membership stayed the same. Election of officers was held.
There being no further business Nancy gave prayer for peace. Evelyn adjourned the meeting.