Atchison County Development Corporation Board Meeting, UNAPPROVED Minutes for May 11, 2016. Present were W.C. Farmer, Scott Melvin, Roger Martin, Lori Seymour, Craig Corken, Bob Alldredge and Jeff Meyer. Also Present were Monica Bailey and Carol Clark
The meeting was called to order by Farmer. Seymour moved to approve the minutes as presented. Martin seconded and all approved.
Financials: Alldredge moved and Melvin seconded to approve the financials as submitted. All approved.
Director Report
• New Business Grant: working on guidelines and conditions for this new program. Board provided feedback on eligible projects/expenditures and reiterated the requirement that all grant recipients must be in good standing with their taxes and have a business license, where applicable.
• BI Grant Program: 2016 Basic grants were awarded to El-Ray Apartments; K-9 Inn; Alma’s Herbs; Cindy Thomas, LMT; Shelter Insurance and Little Red’s Keeper of the Bees. 2016 2.0 grants were awarded to Sybert’s Body Shop, Flower Mill, Martin S Smith Trucking, Stolt’s Fitness, Ronnie Martin Trucking, and Rock Port RiversEdge Campground. Total awarded through the 2016 Business Improvement Grant program: $18,637.21.
• Job Shadowing Day: 24 Atchison County businesses participated this year, hosting 41 seniors. Bailey met with AC counselors to discuss different ways to conduct this going forward.
• Scholarships: Bailey also talked with the counselors about different ways to coordinate the scholarships so that all students entering post-secondary programs will apply.
• Website: Bailey mentioned that the website is now making great progress.
New Business
Non Profit Requests:
• Northwest Missouri Industries – rebuild stairway/pass-through area from sales office to new greenhouse – $1,305.09: Melvin moved to fully fund the request. Meyer seconded and all approved.
• Atchison County Multipurpose (Nutrition) Center – purchase and install a partition door for a meeting room, $2,300.84. Martin moved to approve fully fund the request, Melvin seconded, and all approved.
Martin motioned that the meeting adjourn, Corken seconded, all approved.