The Atchison County Commission met June 28 and 30, and July 5, 2016, at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri.
JUNE 28–
Present were: Curtis Livengood, Presiding Commissioner; David P. Chapin, North District Commissioner; Richard Burke, South District Commissioner; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Steve Joesting was present to observe the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
JUNE 30–
Present were: Curtis Livengood, Presiding Commissioner; David P. Chapin, North District Commissioner; and Richard Burke, South District Commissioner;. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, was absent.
Steve Joesting was present to observe the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Adam Meyer, Road and Bridge Supervisor, and Travis Gentry with Foley Equipment were present for the bid opening for a 2007 Caterpillar dozer. Foley Equipment submitted the only bid, in the amount of $164,800. The bid met all specifications requested. The commissioners voted to accept the bid.
The updated survey from Midland Surveying has been received. It shows the actual number of acres needed for the joint county road project to purchase the land from owner Jerry Brown, who agreed to sell the land required for the project at a cost of $5,000 per acre. The survey shows the land required for the project to be 1.53 acres, more or less. Holt County will be contacted to proceed with the purchase.
The commission received notice from EDF Renewable Energy in regards to the Brickyard Hill Wind Project. The EDF hosted an update meeting on Wednesday, June 15, in Maryville. EDF will attempt to host future meetings in Atchison County. An update on the company, wind industry and the Brickyard Hill Project was provided. They continue to forge ahead on development steps necessary to prepare the project for construction and eventual operation. Over the next year, they plan to do the following: complete avian and bat surveys; continue discussion with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Missouri Department of Conservation regarding project plans; work through the interconnection process (application was submitted this year); conduct a targeted land acquisition campaign to round out the site; optimize the project land/layout to increase the projects efficiencies/economics; and continue negotiation for a sales contract.
Present was: David P. Chapin, North District Commissioner. Curtis Livengood, Presiding Commissioner; Richard Burke, South District Commissioner; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, were absent. No business was conducted.