The Commission met on Thursday, July 28, 2016. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood; North District Commissioner David P. Chapin; South District Commissioner Richard Burke; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
There being no further business to come before the commission, the commission adjourned.
The Commission met on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood; North District Commissioner David P. Chapin; South District Commissioner Richard Burke; and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Clerk Taylor was out at the polling locations.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Carley Esser, Outreach Coordinator with Missouri Farmers Care; Alan Wessler, MFA; and Matt Schlueter, Tarkio were present to introduce the commission to the Missouri Farmers Care Agri-Ready Designation Program and encourage them to complete an application for Agri-Ready County Designation, a voluntary program of Missouri Farmers Care (MFC). Missouri Farmers Care (MFC) is joint effort by Missouri’s farming and agriculture community to stand together for the men and women who provide the food and jobs on which our communities depend. MFC launched the Agri-Redy County designation program in 2015. Agri-Fready County designation, a voluntary program of MFC, recognizes counties that actively support Missouri agriculture through establishing an environment and county policies conductive to Agricultural business success. The commission agreed to review the material and have some further discussion before completing the application.
There being no further business to come before the commission, the commission adjourned.