The following real estate transfers were recorded in the Office of Eliza Beasing, Recorder at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri.
Successor Trustee’s Deed Filed on July 29, 2016 by Sonya R. Hernandez Successor Trustee of the Elda L. Smith Revocable Living Trust to Michael P. III & Amy N. Klosek Lots 5 & 6 Block 2 Fifth Addition in Tarkio, Mo.
Beneficiary Deed: Filed on August 2, 2016 by Martha Jane Shaffer to Robert & Andrew Shaffer, Lots 20 & 21 Foster Place Addition in Fairfax, Mo.
Warranty Deed: Filed on August 3, 2016 by James Rhoades, & Susan & Dale Bird to Boyd & Cathy Dennis, Lots 6, 7, & 8 Block 2, College Heights Addition Tarkio, Mo.
Warranty Deed with Reservation of Life Estate: Filed on August 4, 2016 by Kim W. Evans to Mark W. Evans, Land in Section 18, Township 64, Range 41 and Section 35, Township 64, Range 42, all in Atchison County, Mo.