The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met September 20, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Ryan Kingery, Mayor, at 6:30 p.m. Roll was taken. Those in attendance were: aldermen – Kristi Duering, Beth Graves, Tabitha Wintz; Mayor Ryan Kingery; Water Superintendent John Brown; City Clerk Kristy McDonald; and citizen Tom Cundall. Not present was alderman Michael Oswald.
The tentative agenda was approved, as well as the regular meeting minutes from August 15, 2017. Tom Cundall was present to address any questions the council might have regarding the demolition of his property. He stated that the Department of Natural Resources had been contacted and all pertinent paperwork has been sent. DNR stated that all materials have to be delivered to a landfill. That is what they plan on doing and the project will be moving forward as planned. Tom then left the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
The aldermen approved accounts payable and the financial statement. Ryan Kingery suggested that the PTO accrual discussion be tabled due to Alderman Michael Oswald not being present for the meeting. The council would also like more time to research the best method of accrual. They are hoping to have a decision by the end of October, end of year at the latest.
The council reviewed the 2016 audit information that was sent from Art White & Associates and all agreed that there were no issues or questions regarding the audit.
Bill #2017-09 titled: An ordinance of the Board of Alderpersons of the City of Fairfax, Missouri amending section 110.170 a. of the Fairfax city code changing the regular meeting schedule of the Board of Alderpersons from the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. to the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. was presented to the council and read aloud by title by Tabitha Wintz. The board voted to approve Bill # 2017-09. Bill #2017-09 assigned resolution #2017-1547.
Staff Reports
Treasurer Danny Kemerling was absent for the meeting. His monthly report was presented to the council showing that all accounts are in balance.
Water Superintendent John Brown reported that the convenience store drainage tube has been replaced and work is completed. The water line for the Coopers is also completed. He has had to have some work done on the city’s tractor by John Deere. The council asked about the low-hanging branches letter that was sent out. There were citizens that were upset about getting a certified letter so in the future we will discuss if certified is best or if we will send regular mail for the first notification. There have been a lot of people who have complied and trimmed the branches. The council would like a list of people that have completed the work or have contacted City Hall. We will send a second notification to citizens who have not trimmed branches or contacted City Hall to let us know they are in the process of getting the work completed.
City Clerk Kristy McDonald asked the council if they were interested in purchasing the empty lot on Main Street that did not sell at the tax auction. After a brief discussion the council advised against it as they do not have use for it and it would become a liability. There was an inquiry about putting up signs requesting people not to park in the grass on private property. If it is on private property the citizen is allowed to put the signs up as they wish, if they are wanting to put a sign up on a city street the council will have to vote on the matter. There has been a request to use City Hall space for vendors on October 28 and on November 25 for two events in Fairfax. After a brief discussion the council decided that since it is for the city’s betterment it will be allowed to be used as space with a $100 deposit and $50 fee.
The council will be attending a meeting with the Fire Department on September 21 to discuss the consolidation with the rural fire department.
Ryan Kingery would like to remind citizens that all City Council meetings are open to the public and if any residents have any concerns or issues to please notify City Hall ahead of time so it can be included on the agenda.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2017, at 6:30 p.m.
Fairfax Board of Aldermen meeting
October 3, 2017