October 8, 1992
Members of the Community Hospital Auxiliary has chosen as the “1992 Auxilian of The Year” Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Hawkins of Fairfax.
Approximately 90 persons attended the 1992 Atchison County 4-H Recognition Banquet and Awards Program held September 27, 1992, at the Korner Kitchen in Tarkio.
October 12, 1967
Miss Kay Graves returned recently from a three-month stay in France where she studied at the University at Grenoble. After a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graves and sister, Mrs. Wayne Ireland, she left Saturday for Denver where she has employment.
Kerr’s IGA store in Fairfax joined in the IGA 42nd birthday celebration last weekend by serving birthday cake and coffee to customers. Eight big sheet cakes were used at the Fairfax store.
Kindergarten News: In The most popular songs to date are the Alphabet, Ten Little Indians, Three Blind Mice, and Farmer in the Dell. The “tie my shoe” club has gornw from two members to 16 in five weeks. We are working toward a 100% membership.
October 2, 1942
Sheriff Clement and his deputies made an unannounced visit to Fairfax last Thursday night and raided two places, picking up a slot machine in each. The operators will have to answer to gambling charges in court.
People in this section of the country just about changed from straw hats to overcoats last week, when the temperature took a sharp drop and brought freezing weather. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings the mercury was down to 30 or lower and much frost and ice could be seen. Gardens and flowers were killed, but the frost was a good thing for the corn which will soon be ready for shucking.
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October 3, 2017