Submitted by
Georgia Gilley
The TEC Club met Tuesday, September 26, 2017, at the Daybreak Café in Fairfax, Missouri. Thanks to lots of phone calls we located four substitute players. It was fun because we ended up with a tri-city group. Judy Raya from Rock Port, Karen Clark from Tarkio, and Suzanne Southard and Margie O’Riley from Fairfax all came to our rescue, and we had as much merriment as ever. There are no strangers when you play pitch. Judy was the winner with high score and Merylan Lowrey won second high. Yours truly had low score again. We were a little short on gossip because with new folks everyone had to know who knew who or should that be whom. I came to the conclusion that everyone around here is related.
Then Norma Bradfield wowed us all with her apple brownies, and she confessed that the recipe was right off the internet. Many times  our dessert is from some local cookbook credited to some we know or knew, but the high tech world has taken over. It was a great afternoon and I met two new friends. What’s better than that?