Submitted by
Kay Gibson
The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Holly Holmes, Anita Armstrong, Fran Phillips, Donna Whelan, Frances Nahkunst, Linda Viets, Teresa and Jim Hickok, Tammy Oakes, and Kay Gibson attending. We have several quilts from toddler on up to adult quilts to finish up, and then send them to Texas.
That will wind up that expedition, though I might add the town we are sending to is still very devastated.
I am talking about the ones we have when we are asleep at night. Can’t they be weird? Here are a few examples:
One night, when I could have all the windows open, I dreamed there were Indians in my yard. I could hear them. I woke up and decided it was the “yip, yip, yipping” of coyotes in the yard. I did NOT get up to go see, so it could well have been Indians.
One night, I dreamed I opened the front door and Tammy and Mick were lying in the yard, and there was a big bear there. I was so upset, I grabbed a broom and ran outside. Mick looked up at me and said, “Shh, Granny, we are playing dead.”
One night, Tom woke me up yelling, “Ma, Ma, there’s somebody in my bed.” I didn’t even look, I just said, “There’s nobody in your bed but me.”
If there had been someone, hey, they were gone by morning.