October 22, 1992
• Lloyd Terwilliger of Tarkio celebrated his 98th birthday on October 7, 1992. Lloyd played left field in a special baseball game in 1922 that included Babe Ruth and Bob Meusel. Lloyd played on the Tarkio team with the “Babe.”
• Malisa (Groff) Linthicum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Groff of Rock Port, Missouri, and wife of Chuck Linthicum, former resident of Tarkio, was recently selected to represent the Panhandle Business and Professional Women’s Organization of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, as its Young Careerist for 1992-93. Selection was based on the candidate’s achievements and goals and her ability to discuss today’s workplace issues.
October 19, 1967
• The largest bequest to an Atchison County cemetery in many years was made recently in the will of the late Mrs. Amy Wood, who directed that about $50,000 be invested in government securities and the proceeds to go to the trustees of Center Grove Cemetery.
• Temperatures this week again showed a wide variance with a low of 29 degrees on the 11th and a high of 77 on the 14th. Precipitation continues to be the main interest this month as so far 4.46 inches have been recorded. Normal rain fall for October in this area is a little over 2 inches according to Lester Morton, local official weather observer.
October 23, 1942
• Many women have redecorated rooms in their homes by doing the painting themselves, but it is seldom indeed that one of the fair sex undertakes to give a large sized house, a barn, and a garage a two-coat paint job. Passersby who cast admiring glances at the home of Mrs. George McNulty, 211 S. 6th, should remember that the work was not done by a professional. Congratulations should be extended to Miss Thelma Eaton who put the finishing touches on her mother’s property last week.
• The fact that there is no ocean to furnish a salty atmos­phere for the six naval cadets receiving their elementary flying instructions at the local airfield does not keep the boys from enjoying a genuine “esprit de corps.” At regular Naval air schools, each cadet, upon completion of his first solo flight, is thrown into the sea, emblematic, we presume, of washing the dust from the flyers’ wings. The Tarkio cadets, lacking even a pond for the traditional ceremony, were not stopped for long. Now, each soloist gets a thorough soaking with the garden hose.