October 23, 1942
J. Temple Bentley, proprietor of the Bentley Grain Co. at Watson, this week closed a deal by which he will take over and operate the Langdon elevator, which has been inactive since the Norris Grain Company’s lease on that elevator expired and since the property was cold in circuit court under foreclosure. Mr. Bentley says that since there is almost no old corn in the territory for marketing through the Langdon elevator, he does not expect to start operations there much before the first of January, when the present crop will being to move to market.
October 19, 1967
Dial telephone service will come to Rock Port Sunday after almost three years of negotiation and construction work. Dial service was completed for Watson in June. A modern dial system for Rock Port was approved by members of the Rock Port Mutual Telephone Company at an annual meeting January 21, 1965. Completion of the dial system was scheduled by October 1, 1967. At the time the dial system was approved, the company was considering selling its assets to the highest bidder. Debate continued until March when the board of directors recommended that Rock Port retain ownership of the company and the membership voted to follow these recommendations.
October 22, 1992
Stephen Gaines of Watson, Mo., was crowned the 1992 Peru State College Homecoming King during ceremonies Saturday, October 10.
The Lady golfers traveled to Maryville for Districts on Monday, October 12, 1992. Sarah Greiner was the sixth place medalist with a 117, which qualifies her for State. The other team members from Rock Port that placed were Jill Lewis placing twelfth with a 125; Angela Deatz placing twenty-fifth with a 146; placing thirty-first was Katie Dean with a 156; and Susan Batschelet placed thirty-fourth with a 162.