Submitted by Linda Kaye Payton, President of Unit 199
American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) met October 9, 2017, at the Legion building at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order and an opening prayer was given. The Pledge of Allegiance and then the Preamble were recited. Roll call was answered by eight members. The minutes of the last meeting were not available for reading and approval. The Treasurer’s report was given.
Reports given included: membership report, Blue Star ceremony, and rummage sale report. We have started taking in donations for the rummage sale October 13-14. We are in the process of finding a new drop-off facility and a way to get the unsold items to that facility. (Thanks to RES and the Savannah Implement business, we were able to donate the rest of items to another charitable cause.)
The turkey dinner on November 5, 2017, was discussed with the calling tree needing to be revised, advertising and costs, dates for cleaning the building, breaking bread, washing dishes and pans, delivery of turkeys, cleaning roasters and turkeys, placing turkeys in roasters, deboning turkeys, and when to notify the Legion/SALs for setting up the tables and chairs.
The District 4 meeting will be November 4, 2017, in Savannah. We will be having a guest speaker that day. We will also be auctioning off gifts from our Christmas Bazaar. If any member would like to attend, please notify Sheridan or Linda Kaye.
There was no further business to come before the meeting so a closing prayer was given and meeting adjourned.