October 29, 1992
• Moonlight Madness in Tarkio will be held Thursday, November 5, 1992. Businesses and organizations in Tarkio celebrate Moonlight Madness every year in conjunction with the Tarkio High School varsity football game against Rock Port. The evening includes sales and giveaways, fish fry, and a pep rally.
• The family of Lt. Gov. Mel Carnahan took to the road last week making campaign stops in 81 Missouri towns, including Tarkio. Carnahan’s daughter Robin, his wife Jean, sons Randy, Russ and Tom, and daughter-in-law Debra criss-crossed the state.
October 26, 1967
• The gift of 640 feet of land to Tarkio Home Cemetery Association by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hurst was announced at the Monday noon meeting of Tarkio Community Betterment. The land will be used for a new entrance road to the cemetery.
• Hunters are encouraged to keep an eye out for stolen and abandoned vehicles  so they can be returned to their owners.
• Mrs. Mason M. Houghton and Mrs. John M. Stevenson, officers of the Atchison County Easter Seal Society, accepted an award on behalf of their society for having received the highest per capita contribution of any other Easter Seal affiliate in the state during the 1967 fundraising campaign.
October 30, 1942
• Today, Westboro will observe a celebration of the harvest of “God’s Acres.” A full day’s activities have been planned which includes a parade. Members of the Methodist Church plant “God’s Acres” on their farms each year and the corn produced on these plots goes to the church. The celebration includes a corn show and new this year, home craft entries.
• Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, pastor of the Marble Collegiate church of New York City, spoke before a large crowd comprised of Tarkio College students, more than 40 Tarkio High School students, and a number of townspeople in Rankin Hall. Dr. Peale spent three months in Hollywood, California, at the time of the filming of “One Foot in Heaven” and acted as technical advisor for the production.