Deputy Devon Sons and Sorosis President Judy Holtz are pictured at the Fairfax Sorosis meeting October 16. Deputy Sons presented an active shooter training at the meeting.

Submitted by Leona Ray Recording Secretary

Fairfax Sorosis met on October 16 at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. President Judy Holtz called the meeting to order. Georgia Gilley led all in singing the Sorosis song. It was decided that members need to practice on getting the words and actions together, but everyone loves singing it anyway.
Roll call was answered with “I try to be safe by ?”. There were many good answers such as locking doors, outside lights, etc. We commented on how times have changed from when we left our homes and cars unlocked without fear.
The reading of the previous minutes and reports were postponed until next meeting. Judy introduced Atchison County Deputy Devon Sons whose program for the day was Active Shooters and how to protect ourselves. We learned many good ways to keep ourselves out of danger. He said we should make a habit to always be aware of our surroundings. Train ourselves, when we enter a building, to look for exits, entrances, and safe places to go. If we make a habit of doing this regularly, we will react sooner and that may be the few minutes that save your life. We were surprised to learn that we are safer in a school than we are in church. Schools have safety programs and students are trained where to go and what to do. In church we’re more trusting and do not expect a threat. Nothing is more important in these times than you and your family. Everything else can be replaced. Get away and take cover. During a question and answer period, we were served delicious cookies baked by members and served by the Social Committee.
The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be November 6 at the Methodist Fellowship Hall.