The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, October 25, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding.  Board members present were Ron Deatz, Tim Taylor, Lavon Paukert and Todd Stevens.  Also present were Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, City Superintendent Trevor Hale, Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.
Stevens moved to add agenda item 7c. 2018 vision insurance rates to the meeting agenda.  Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the meeting agenda.  Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Deatz moved to approve the September 20, 2017, meeting minutes.  Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the City financial statements, accounts payables, sales tax reports, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports.  Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Stevens moved to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports and Utility Clerk report.  Deatz seconded.  All votes aye.
Paukert moved to approve the retainage reduction and payment to T & R Electric.  Stevens seconded.  All votes aye.
Deatz moved to approve the 2018 meeting dates.  Taylor seconded.  All votes aye.
2018 meeting dates
January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 22, September 19, October 17, November 28, and December 19.
Stevens moved to approve the 2018 vision renewal rates.  Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported that he attended Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training last week.  All full-time officers are now CIT certified.  Sherwood reported that the docudrama was held for Rock Port, Tarkio and Fairfax High School students.
City Clerk Ashtin Paris reported that the 4th Annual Quilt Show & Vendor Market sponsored by the Rock Port Tourism Board will be held Saturday, October 28 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.  Casey’s notified the City that interest has been shown in the buildings after the offer was extended to the City.  Clerk Paris contacted the auditors about simplifying the budget by combining multiple budgets.  The 2018 budget will be reviewed at the November 15 Board of Aldermen meeting at 6 p.m.
City Superintendent Trevor Hale reported that the Calhoun Street project is 99% complete. A fire hydrant replacement is being performed on Oct. 26, which will allow completion of the street.  Repair work was performed on the John Deere mower. The mower currently has 1,000+ hours on it and Hale recommends trading the mower for a 60” mower in winter 2017 or spring 2018.  Hale reported that he attended a meeting in Sidney, IA, with Bart Downing, Regional Director for Alliance Water Resources, to discuss possibilities of connecting Sidney to the ACWWC system.  A water main install on 4th Street is scheduled for November 1 start date.  Training has been performed on operation of locating equipment and Sensus programming equipment.  Feed wire installation and connections for new Main St. lights is scheduled to be done the week of Oct. 30.  Water loss is down to 22%.
Alderman Tim Taylor questioned plans for the water plant and water tower.  Hale reported wells need to be capped at the water plant, equipment salvaged, and the building and property needs to be sold.  Hale is in the early stages of obtaining bids for painting the water tower.
Lavon Paukert reported complaints of pumpkin smashing beginning already.
Deatz asked Mayor Chamberlain if a meeting has been set with I-29 Exit 110 businesses. Mayor Chamberlain reported that it is still in the planning process.  Deatz reported that he started researching benefits of lighting improvements.
Stevens asked about plans for street repairs in 2018.  Hale reported that street repairs will be put in the budget for next year and projects will be determined based upon the budget.  Stevens requested the board be notified when major police events occur.  Sherwood will check with the City Attorney concerning information that can be released.  Stevens commended the work being done by the city guys.
Mayor Chamberlain reported good feedback from the community about the response to the Stoner Drug incident.
Taylor moved to adjourn into executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Section 610.021(3) RSMo. & Section 610.021(13) RSMo.  Deatz seconded.  Roll call vote was taken.  Stevens, Deatz, Paukert and Taylor voted aye.  Nay – none.  Absent – none.
Stevens moved to adjourn executive session and resume regular session. Paukert seconded.  All votes aye.
Taylor moved to adjourn.  Stevens seconded.  All votes aye.