Members of the NWMLC “Red Team” planted a tree during NWMLC Employee Appreciation Week. Pictured are, from left to right, Amber Brown, Trudy Baker, Rachelle Boyd, and Katie Beck.

Northwest Missouri Living Center (NWMLC), located in Tarkio, Missouri, celebrated “Employee Appreciation Week” October 26 through November 2 with a most adventurous scavenger hunt. Four teams of staff members were challenged to cooperate in completing each of the 40 tasks in a mere eight days. It was a whirlwind of fun and excitement! From squeezing all team members into a telephone booth to reenacting a scary movie scene to singing the “Star Spangled Banner” in a public place, the race was on! One of the many challenges given to each team was the planting of a tree. The Red Team chose to plant and dedicate a tree to all staff and consumers of NWMLC. Everyone involved with NWMLC is truly thankful to be a part of such an amazing agency! Businesses that participated in making this hunt a success include:  Atchison-Holt Ambulance District, Atchison County Nutrition Center, City of Tarkio, Earl May Garden Center, MDT Woodworks, Big T Motel, Hy-Vee, Tarkio Avalanche, and Torrey Pines.