Betty Wennihan presented the program “Fairfax Back Then” to the Fairfax Sorosis on Monday, November 6, 2017.
Fairfax Sorosis met November 6 at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. President Judy Holtz called the meeting to order. Roll call was: “What I remember about Fairfax?” The answers were like a trip down memory lane for most of us.
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. A motion was made by Carolyn to amend the previous meeting’s minutes and include the names of our Rock Port guests Pat Walker, Pam Henderson and Johnny Irvine. The motion was seconded by Mary Anne and all approved.
A card was received from Rock Port Sorosis thanking us for inviting them to our guest day. The card included an invitation to attend their Sorosis meeting on April 12, 2017.
Carolyn’s Critic Report was a thoughtful poem by Helen Steiner Rice. Prayers can’t be answered unless they are prayed. She also added laughter to our day with a joke about daylight savings time.
We were reminded to remember to bring food for the Food Pantry to our next meeting. Program for our next meeting will be Gail Heitman sharing information about Senior Solutions. With no further business to discuss President Judy Holtz called on fellow Sorosis member Betty Wennihan to present her program on Fairfax Back Then. She had great old pictures and stories to share. She told us that her mother Mary had given her many of the old pictures and memorabilia. The rest were given to her or collected by her. The afternoon was spent taxing our brains and memories. You could hear comments like, “Oh I remember them,” “No, they lived over on the other hill and a mile south,” “Who did you say they were related to,” etc. All enjoyed the reminiscing. We decided she should come back again and bring her Fairfax School memories. Sometime while we were visiting and sharing stories we were served a delicious chocolate dessert by hostess Judy.
The Bon Mot and Collect were read and the meeting was adjourned.