The following real estate transfers were recorded in the Office of Eliza Beasing, Recorder at the Atchison County Courthouse in Rock Port, Missouri:
Correction – Warranty Deed: Filed Oct. 30, 2017, by Dolores Hawkins by Kay Jean Deatz and Lea Anne Miller to Michael and Philip Cooper Partnership for Block 4, Sly’s Addition, Fairfax, Missouri.
Warranty Deed: Filed Nov. 3, 2017, by Sharon Hughes to Douglas and Lea Anne Miller for land in Section 23, Township 64, Range 40, Atchison County, Missouri.
Warranty Deed: Filed Nov. 3, 2017, by Trysha and Donald Nease and Niki Graham to Lee and Lisa Blowers for Lots 3 and 16, Block 2, Adam’s Subdivision, Rock Port, Missouri.
Warranty Deed: Filed Nov. 7, 2017, by Anna O’Connell to Regina Baruth for Lot 4, Block 8, Third Addition, Tarkio, Missouri.
Warranty Deed: Filed Nov. 7, 2017, by Wessler Farms, Inc. to Patricia Wessler, Trustee of the Patricia Wessler Revocable Trust, for land in Section 32, Township 67, Range 40, Atchison County, Missouri.
Trustee’s Deed: Filed Nov. 7, 2017, by Patricia Wessler, Trustee of the Patricia Wessler Revocable Trust, to Kelly and Diana Davis for land in Section 32, Township 67, Range 40, Atchison County, Missouri.