The Rock Port Tourism Board met Monday, November 6, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Rock Port City Hall. Members present were Billy Thomas, Holly Huntley, Tami Lansdown, Chris Shimmel, Denton Melvin and Jody VanSickle. Members absent were Mike Farmer, Angela Mace and Malisa Linthicum. Also present were Logan Merz, Jim Clodfelter and City Clerk Ashtin Paris.
Chairman Denton Melvin called the meeting to order.
Chris Shimmel moved to approve the meeting agenda. Jody VanSickle seconded. All votes aye.
Logan Merz was present to provide information about disc golf courses. Logan designed disc golf courses for Falls City and Indian Cave State Park and recently redesigned Auburn’s disc golf course. Course design, construction, and material costs were discussed.
Jim Clodfelter was present on behalf of the Rock Port Chamber to request $1,230 to help with costs associated with Old Fashioned Saturday Night.
Billy Thomas moved to approve $450 in advertising funding for the Rock Port Chamber. Tami Lansdown seconded. All votes aye.
Holly Huntley moved to approve the October 16, 2017, meeting minutes. Chris Shimmel seconded. All votes aye.
Chris Shimmel moved to approve the October 2017 financials. Billy Thomas seconded. All votes aye.
Tami Lansdown reported that 46 vendors signed up for the Vendor Market and 41 showed up. One food vendor did not show up. There were 110 quilts, custom windmill ribbons were made, and over 200 people signed the guestbook from multiple cities in Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa.
Chris Shimmel moved to approve the 2018 budget. Tami Lansdown seconded. All votes aye.
The 2018 tourism board activities and events were tabled.
Auctioning/bidding old welcome banners was discussed. Banners will not be auctioned due to the condition of banners. The board requested Clerk Paris check on the condition of the old welcome to Rock Port signs to determine if the signs can be auctioned.
The next meeting will be held December 3, 2017. The Tourism Board will request to be placed on the agenda for the Rock Port Golf & Country Club at 6:00 p.m. and will meet at City Hall following the meeting at the Country Club.
Chris Shimmel presented copies of the bills and receipts for two tires he had to replace on his trailer when delivering the tables and chairs back to Council Bluffs for the Quilt Show/Vendor Market. Jody VanSickle moved to reimburse Chris Shimmel’s expenses of $250.47 for the pick-up and delivery of the tables and chairs for the Quilt Show/Vendor Market. Billy Thomas seconded. All votes aye.
Chris Shimmel moved to adjourn. Holly Huntley seconded. All votes aye.