Submitted by Kay Gibson

The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Fran Phillips, Donna Whelan, Frances Nahkunst, Teresa and Jim Hickok, Linda Viets, Anita Armstrong, Holly Holmes, Rosita and Earl Stoner, Sandy Thompson, and Kay Gibson attending. We each worked on our own things.
Truth is stranger than fiction. It started one night over last weekend, at 11:45 p.m. to be exact, when we were sound asleep. The phone rang. Of course it scares us, someone could have gotten hurt, sick or died. Tom couldn’t understand what the person was saying, so he gave me the phone.
“You know Hotch?” this foreign guy asks. I’ve heard of scams where they try to get you to say yes, so since I didn’t know him, and I refuse to say yes, I say, “No.”
“You know Criminal Minds?” he asks.
“Never heard of it.” I say. “Listen, we are trying to sleep here.”
“No, no, I watching your show.”
“What? Where did you get this number?
“On internet.”
“You have the wrong number.”
“No, no, I find on internet.”
“Good-bye,” I say and hang up.
The guy calls four times the next day. He calls more often than our kids. Nice me, (Tom not so nice) I try to explain there are 3,168 Thomas Gibsons on the internet, and we are not the Thomas Gibson that plays on that show. He doesn’t believe me. He calls back the next day. Now I’m getting not so nice. I’m not answering anymore. The bad part is, Tom has a nephew who shows up as “private caller”, too, and his wife is not in good shape.
I just hope he moves on down the long list of Thomas Gibsons.
A word to the wise (cause dummies don’t get it) , don’t try to call famous people cause they don’t like it.