Shop AC Night was a great success, with 28 businesses and hundreds of shoppers participating from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, November 16. Shoppers are encouraged to show their passport when you make a purchase at any participating store until November 30.  Return passports to any participating store by 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, to be entered to win gift certificates to Atchison County store of your choice!

Kay Graves, right, of KG Buds in Fairfax, kicked off her three day holiday open house event on November 16, in conjunction with #Shop AC Night. The shop is filled with fun things for the holidays. She is pictured with Debbie Kent as they display one of those holiday items.

The Tarkio Avalanche had a steady crowd of customers stop by to check out the new shirts and designs available for purchase, including the ones being looked at by Lanette Hogue, Melody Barnett, and Teresa Hogue, pictured above.

 Atchison County Veterinary Clinic had a special guest on hand – Santa Claus himself – who took pics with the animal clients who stopped by for #Shop AC Night. Pictured with Santa are Dustin and Jessica Lambertsen with their two dogs Macy and Allie, Santa Claus, Dr. John and Jane Walter, Teresa Shaw, and Cathy Riggins.

Hidden Beauty had a lot of great deals during #Shop AC Night. Stopping by to visit and to check out the bargains were Blu Dow, Keely Bredensteiner, Darcy Vette, and Gigi Vette.

Ashlee Driskell and Ellie Dyer check out the cute decor at the Flower Mill’s #Shop AC Night Thursday, November 16, 2017.

Dana Tracy of MDT Woodworks, LLC, in Fairfax helps Pam Davis as they look at 31 bag catalogs.

At EM’s Emporium, owner Stephanie Jakub, left, answers Leigh Ann Lawrence’s clothing questions during #Shop AC Night.

Groovy’s made shopping even better by offering supper  right outside the store.  Pictured are Mike and Michele Pfeil.

Stoner Drug was busy as customers looked at all the unique gift items they have for sale.