December 3, 1992
• Finalists for Tarkio Community Betterment’s Essay Contest for Mr. and Miss Christmas Spirit are Ashley Knierim, Ronda Watson, Alex Baruth, Ashton Meier, Brandon England, and Garrett Volker.
• Snow fell for Thanksgiving this year. Tarkio and surrounding area residents work up Wednesday morning, November 25, to the first snowfall of the winter season.
November 30, 1967
• Seniors at Tarkio High School are rehearsing for the production of “Dirty Work at the Crossroads or Tempted, Tried, and True.”
• The Tarkio College Owls opened their home season Tuesday night with a smashing victory over Park College, 116-62.
December 4, 1942
• Corporal Herbert L. Mallicoat, a Tarkio High School graduate, is the first Atchison County boy in the service to marry on foreign soil. The bride before her marriage was Miss Joyce Neep of Austrailia.
• Dedication services for the new $45,000 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, December 13, at the church, six miles north and three miles west of Tarkio. Reverend Herman Goede of Columbus, Nebraska, Reverend M. Schroeder, D.D. of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Reverend M.A. Ritzen, D.D. of Fontanele, Nebraska, will officiate. The new structure is of medieval English gothic architecture and replaces the church which has served the congregation since 1886.
“Extra! Extra!” A blast from Tarkio’s past
November 28, 2017