Submitted by Linda Kaye Payton, President of Unit 199
On November 13, 2017, American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) met at the Legion building at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Linda Payton and an opening prayer was given by Chaplain Judy Fuelling. The Pledge of Allegiance and then the Preamble were recited. Roll call was answered by eight members. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Barb Hines and approved following correction. The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Sheridan Mires
Reports given: membership report by 1st Vice Sharon Jones; rummage sale report by 2nd Vice Hazel Kemerling; turkey dinner by Sheridan Mires with input from other members.
District 4 meeting was on November 4, 2017, in Savannah. Four members were in attendance.
We discussed and voted on our annual donations for local charities and veteran programs. Sheridan took homemade cookies around to Tarkio teachers in recognition of National Education Week. This year, two groups will be going to the Cameron Veterans Home (December 5 & 6) to assist with their Christmas shopping. Let Sheridan Mires and Donna Payne know if you would like to go.
Upcoming events for March will be County Government Day and the Legion Birthday Breakfast.
There was no further business to come before the meeting so a closing prayer by Judy was given and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be February 12, 2018, and we will be discussing Girls State Delegates and County Government. All members need to tally their hours and dollars spent for the turkey dinner, rummage sale, Cameron Gift Shop, other veterans they may have helped as well as other community service, and children and youth activities they may have been involved in.