December 10, 1992
The Fairfax Forum is celebrating its 100th birthday December 10, 1992. According to research, Fairfax had several newspapers in this town. There was the Independent in 1882, the Independent – Chief in 1883, The Chief in 1883-1885, The Comet in 1885, the Star in 1889, The Fairfax Forum in 1892-present, and the Tribune in 1930-33.
The first computer at The Fairfax Forum office was connected to the compugraphic typesetter in 1981.

December 7, 1967
The old city well is producing fully again as the result of acidizing treatment administered by Lane-Western last week.
Miss Belinda Bolton was awarded the girls good grooming award at the recent 4-H achievement banquet at Tarkio.

December 11, 1942
Next Monday, December 14, is the golden anniversary of the Exchange Bank of Fairfax, for on that day it will have fnished 50 years of service to the people of this community.
Schooler’s Funeral Home has further modernized its funeral and ambulance service by adding a new combination funeral coach and invalid car to its equipment.