December 24, 1992
Weather: Lo and behold the sun was shining Sunday. The temperatures were in the upper 30s, but no moisture. Farmers are back in their fields now getting their crops in. This has been a long harvest year.
The winners of the 100th birthday gifts from The Fairfax Forum were: Betty David, music figurine; Ed Ball, knives; Mildred Snyder, potpourri; Marian Douglas, Eula Resler, and Brenda Hawkins, cans of popcorn; and the grand prize, TV set, won by Wes Thrush.
December 21, 1967
Employees of the Fairfax Community hospital and their guests enjoyed their annual Christmas party at the Legion club in Hamburg, Iowa, Monday evening. Following the delicious meal, a program was provided by a group of Tarkio entertainers consisting of Mrs. Ryland Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mehaffey, and Mrs. Doris Anderson.
One 14th century recipe for a Christmas pie included: a pheasant, a hare, a capon, two partridges, two pigeons, two rabbits, beef meat balls, eggs, pickled mushrooms, seasonings and spices, all in a pastry crust.
December 25, 1942
The Forum is not alone in celebrating a golden anniverary, this week, for that distinction also comes to Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, who were married on Christmas day, 1892, and are now residents of Fairfax. When the town was established, Mr. Martin lived on the 40 acres which now is the northeast corner of town. He helped unload and delivered the first carload of lumber that build the first house in the town and plowed the first garden that was ever planted in Fairfax. That was for the late Dr. J.A. Hunter.
In an ad in this issue to The Forum, Peterson Feeds and Seeds store announces that the firm will close its Fairfax store this week. Shortage of feed products is given as the reason, some of the principal items usually sold being almost unobtainable.