December 25, 1942
The Exchange Bank of Fairfax reached its golden anniversary on Monday, December 14, and found at the close of the day’s business that its deposits had reached the half-million mark, according to last week’s Fairfax Forum. The officials of the bank,  generally referred to as the Whitford bank, were remembered with many beautiful flowers from banks in Chicago, Kansas City, St. Joseph and Tarkio.
December 21, 1967
Pleasant View Rest Home residents will have color television thanks to the generosity of the Atchison County Barber Shop Chorus. The group, which has been disbanded, had money left in the treasury from their many performances and decided that they could put the funds to a worthwhile use by donating a color television to the rest home. Presentation of the set was made Sunday by Mel Golden, Fairfax; Dr. Wallace Carpenter, Rock Port; Richard S. Garst, Watson, treasurer; Beuford Stoner, Fairfax, president; Bill Corken, Rock Port; Dr. Mike Thomas, Rock Port and Harold Smith, Rock Port. The set cost between $500 and $600.
December 24, 1992
The Rock Port High School Physical Education Department sponsored its annual Ping Pong Tournament for the past three weeks. There were 52 high school and junior high students along with the faculty participating this year. Cory Scamman successfully defended his title again by defeating Jason Stephens 21-13. Cory’s path to the finals was by defeating Dan Croy 7-0, Mark Evans 11-1, Coach Moore 16-2, Coach Johnson 21-11 and Jason Stephens 21-13. Jason’s route to the finals was by defeating Ryan Cook 21-12, Mr. Bastow 21-10, Brady Owen 21-17 and Tad Gebhards 21-17. The Physical Education Department would like to thank Casey’s General Store and Vicki Cook for providing a large pizza to the champion. Coach Johnson also stated that these intramural tournaments have been a huge success and that future tournaments are coming up.(Doubles Ping Pong and Three Point Contest.