Andrew Gladman

Andrew, the son of Cody and Erica Gladman, is a 4 year old attending Kids’ Korner for the first time this year. Andrew has enjoyed making new friends and learning new things. Some of his favorite things include: the color green and bananas, as well as Pete The Cat books and songs. When Andrew is not at school or home he likes to go play at one of the city parks.


Vera Hale

Vera, the daughter of Heidi Hale and Joey and Cory Hale, is a 5 year old attending Kids’ Korner for her second year. Vera loves spending time with her friends both at center time and on the playground and loves using her imagination. Some of her favorite things include: the color pink and rainbows, noodle soup (which she doesn’t get often, but loves) and Monster Mash the book. She loves to learn new things at preschool. When she is not at preschool or home she loves spending time at her Grandma Patsy’s house, because she gets new toys!