A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent
These 12 Words To Live By are the foundation of Scouting —
12 simple points that set high standards. The Scout Law guides Scouts of all levels when they are alone or as members of their family, community and nation. The Scout Law is a guide for living a good life.
Parents said that after one year in Cub Scouts:
80 percent of their sons learned to stay away from drugs, and to help at home.
90 percent said Scouting encouraged family togetherness through projects, going places, and talking with each other.
95 percent said Scouting provides a safe and friendly environment and created a sense of belonging, and their sons learned to get along with others.
Contact local Boy Scout Troop leader Steve Duren or Cub Scout leader Troy Cook for membership information.
Today’s youth may have different needs than you had as a child, but one thing is true: They need time with you. Scouting provides a pre-packaged program that helps you maximize the time you will spend with your son.


WHEREAS:   The Boy Scouts of America has been at the forefront of instilling timeless values in youth since its founding in 1910; and

WHEREAS:  This national youth movement has made serving others through its values-based program its mission; and

WHEREAS:   The Boy Scouts of America is committed to helping millions of youth succeed by providing the support, friendship, and mentoring necessary to live a happy and fulfilling life; and

WHEREAS:  The Pony Express Council of the Boys Scouts of America and its many Cub Scout packs. Boy Scouts troops, and Venturing crews are celebrating Scouting’s 108th Anniversary; and

WHEREAS:  There are many community organizations that make Scouting available for more than 10,000 youth members in our area who participate in the Scouting program as a means of character building, citizenship training, and personal fitness; now
Therefore, I Chris Chamberlain, Mayor of the City of Rock Port do hereby proclaim the first week of February, 2018 as


Furthermore, I join with the citizens of this community to express our appreciation to the Pony Express Council and the Boy Scouts of America for their interest in and dedication to America’s Youth.
In Witness Wherefore, I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the City of Rock Port.