RPJH “A” squad during competition at Ravenwood left to right, Holden Farmer, Ryder Proctor, Caleb Lucas and Kate Ottmann.


RPJH “A” squad at Ravenwood included, left to right, Aubrey Watkins, Kate Ottmann, Anneliese Clauson, Ryder Proctor, Holden Farmer and Caleb Lucas.

The newly organized Rock Port JH Scholar Bowl Team traveled to Stewartsville on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.  Mr. Walker took the “B” squad and the outcome was less than they had hoped.  They went 0-3, losing to Northeast Nodaway, Stewartsville, and South Holt.
On Thursday, January 18, 2018, Mr. Parsons went to Ravenwood with the “A” team and they went 3-0, beating Northeast Nodaway 140-60, Osborn 180-110, and DeKalb 190-100.