The Commission met Thursday, December 21, 2017. The Commission traveled to Maysville to attend the Northwest Commission meeting.
The Commission met Tuesday, December 26, 2017. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner James Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Additions and abatements to the tax books were approved as follows:
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $13,321.98; 2015, $1,848.05
Abatements from the tax books: 2016, $453.22
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $2,840.11; 2015, $244.52
Abatements from the tax books: none
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $3,099.45; 2015, $1,106.26; 2014, $65.45
Abatements from the tax books: 2016, $176.34
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $6,760.22; 2015, $362.31
Abatements from the tax books: 2016, $3,170.47
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $1,680.56; 2015, $439.77
Abatements from the tax books: none
Additions to the tax books: none.
Abatements from the tax books: none
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $4,007.56
Abatements from the tax books: none
Additions to the tax books: 2017, $51,304.23; 2016, $1,814.06
Abatements from the tax books: 2017, $9,681.39
Additions to the tax books: 2017, $1612.97
Abatements from the tax books: 2017, $1,739.41
Additions to the tax books: 2016, $1,076.77
Abatements from the tax books: none
Assessor Lori Jones presented her 2018 budget request to the commission at 9 a.m.
The commissioners reported on the Northwest Commission meeting.
A request to reappoint Bob Fischer to serve a new four year term on the Senior Services Tax Board was reviewed. North District Commissioner Jim Quimby made a motion to reappoint Mr. Fischer. Motion was seconded by South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called for discussion, there being none, a roll call vote to approve the appointment was as follows: Burke – yes; Quimby – yes; and Livengood – yes.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, December 28, 2017. Present were: North District Commissioner James Quimby and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood and South District Commissioner Richard Burke were absent.
North District Commissioner James Quimby signed payable checks, but no formal commission was held due to lack of a quorum.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, was absent due to illness.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.
The commission reviewed and signed the Intergovernmental Agreements for the Tarkio Special Road District and the Phelps City Special Road District.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, January 4, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, was absent due to illness.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Tuesday, January 9, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Todd Spenser, the new Executive Director for the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, was present to meet with the commission and discuss concerns and ideas for 2018.
Clerk Taylor presented a budget request from the Circuit Clerk’s office to provide budget funding for a part-time employee within the office. A lengthy discussion followed with Circuit Clerk Lorie Hall presenting information about the duties and funding of the office. After taking everything into consideration, the commission was in 100% agreement that the Circuit Clerk’s office is a state office and the state should be the one to provide funding for additional staff, not the county. The county currently pays 100% of all office expenses, but all employees and the Circuit Clerk are paid by the state.
Clerk Taylor presented the 2018 budget message for review before final approval on Thursday.
There being no further business to come before the commission, the commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, January 11, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Atchison County Clerk, Susette Taylor presented the 2018 Budget Message and 2018 budget for review and final approval. At 10 a.m. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood opened the Final Public Budgetary Hearing according to Section 540.600, RSMo. North District Commissioner Jim Quimby made a motion to accept the 2018 budget as presented. South District Commissioner Richard Burke seconded the motion. Presiding Commissioner Livengood called for discussion, there being none. A roll call vote to approve the 2018 budget as presented was unanimous.
The Commission has hereby approved and adopted this 11th day of January, 2018, as the revised and final budget for Atchison County, Missouri, for the year 2018 as follows:
General Revenue Fund: $2,616,162; Special Road & Bridge Fund: $2,171,806; Assessment Fund: $206,001; Law Enforcement LEST Fund: $912,377; Landfill Fund: $17,450; Mitigation Fund: $434,000; Multipurpose Election Fund: $17,475; Law Enforcement Training Fund: $7,000; PA Training Fund: $2,500; Emergency Management Fund: $153,570; LEPC CEPF Fund: $737; Domestic Violence Fund: $3,961; Tax Maintenance Fund: $40,000; Unclaimed Fees Fund: $2,279; Medical Reimbursement Fund: $33,868.00; CART/Special Rock Fund: $567,028.00; Economic Development Fund: $305,459; Circuit Clerk Interest Fund: $0; Recorder’s Fund: $17,500; SB-40 Sheltered Workshop Fund: $145,000; Div. II Interest Fund: $15; Sheriff Civil Fees Fund: $20,000; PA Bad Check Fund: $6,100; State School Rev: $650; 911 Fund: $358,988; Surplus Land Sales Fund: $1,160; HAVA Election Grand Fund: $0; Senior Citizens Tax Fund: $73,450; Sheriff’s Revolving Fund: $41,000; Health Reimbursement Fund: $66,000; Rest Home Improvement Fund: $1,796; County Law Enforcement Restitution Fund: $101,000; Election Service Fund: $7,547; Inmate Security Fund: $17,609;
Various Funds: $336,215.
The commission accepted a petition from the Phelps City Road District to place the following issue on the April 3, 2018 ballot:
Shall the Phelps City Special Road District of Atchison County levy an additional tax rate of thirty-five cents ($0.3500) on the hundred dollars valuation, for a period of four years? This is a continuation of an existing tax.
Grant agreements for funds approved within the 2018 budget for the Children’s Mercy Hospital were signed to allocate the funds as requested.
An agreement between the Atchison County Emergency Management and Atchison County 911 was reviewed and approved for the 2018 rent.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, was attending an executive board meeting for the Missouri Association of Counties in Jefferson City.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.
Johnathan Baker, Senior Project Developer with EDF Renewable Energy, was present to visit with the commissioner about Atchison County’s requirements for road and right of way agreements for project developments within the county. Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer was present for the meeting.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, January 18, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission, was attending January board meeting for the Missouri Association of Counties in Jefferson City.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Tuesday, January 23, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
At 9:30 a.m. the commission met with Larry Jacobson and Lynn Anderson from MoDOT. Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer, was present for the meeting. Mr. Jacobson presented the Atchison County Off-System Bridge Inspection overview. Atchison County has 112 bridges that must be inspected every two years. Inspections are planned to begin on February 1st and they plan to inspect between 10 and 15 bridges per day until complete. Of the 112 bridges, five will be fracture critical inspections. They will review critical inspection finding and follow-up action on required structures. Bridge #3760003 is currently on the scour action plan, which involves closure during high water events, so it will be inspected for any scours. In addition they will review details of any new bridges and evaluate bridge posting signs. A final report will be issued when the inspections are final.
Mr. Walt Woodard, vice-president with Cell Tower Solutions, met with the commissioners, Atchison County Assessor Lori Jones, Atchison County Clerk Susette Taylor and the superintendents from Tarkio and Rock Port schools, Karma Coleman and Craig Walker. Dr. Jeremy Burright, Fairfax superintendent, was unable to attend. Mr. Woodard gave a presentation to provide a field audit of each cell/communications site in Atchison County and create an equipment profile for each location. The profile would include the major components, the cost at installation, and the useful life as it applies to the Missouri classification grouping. Cell Tower Solutions would help train the county staff to identify activity at the cell site and how that may impact value of the location. In addition Assessor Lori Jones presented a map showing the location of all cell towers in Atchison County and a comparison chart from neighboring counties that have contracted with this service of the increase in tax revenue generated just in the first year. No action was taken at this time to allow the superintendents time to present the information to their respective boards.
The commission adjourned.
The Commission met Thursday, January 25, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Public Administrator Jayne Scott was present to request permission to destroy old records that were beyond the retention dates set by the State of Missouri. She provided a list of files that would be destroyed by the shredding service provided by the county. North District Commissioner Jim Quimby made a motion to approve the request to destroy records as needed. The motion was seconded by South District Commissioner Richard Burke. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called for further discussion, there being none, a roll call vote to approve the of the disposal of records was a follows: Quimby – yes; Burke – yes and Livengood – yes.
Mark Manchester, Emergency Management/E-9-1-1 Assistant Director, was present to review the 2018 Region H HSRRS/HAZMAT agreement with the commission and request approval. This agreement allows the team to use their extensive equipment and trained personnel to assist in the training of responders in Atchison County and to assist in emergency response drills and exercises in the county. In addition they serve as a conduit for communications between local, county, state and federal government agencies. The Region H Team also agrees to utilize its extensive equipment and trained personnel to respond to hazardous materials/CBRNE incidents within the county. South District Commissioner Richard Burke made a motion to accept and approve the agreement. Motion was seconded by North District Commissioner James Quimby. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood called for further discussion, there being none, a roll call vote to approve the 2018 HAZMAT Agreement was as follows: Burke – yes; Quimby – yes and Livengood – yes.
Jim Crawford stopped in to invite the commission to attend Extension Council annual meeting and supper which will be held Tuesday, February 6, at 6:30 p.m.
Clerk Taylor and the commission reviewed major improvement projects approved with the budget and began to discuss a timeline to implement the projects. No final decisions were made at this time.
The commission adjourned.