February 12, 1943
Harry Fuelling, well known Rock Port business figure before he recently entered the army and who is now stationed at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, for his basic training, last Saturday qualified for a medal in marksmanship on the rifle range. Pvt. Fuelling scored 137 points out of a possible 150. The first two rounds were rapid fire and the last two rounds slow fire, standing and kneeling at a 200 yard target. He writes that scores were somewhat affected by a heavy side wind that proved a definite handicap to some taking the test. However, he has no reason to be ashamed of as fine a score as he made.
February 8, 1968
Before a record crowd, the Homecoming festivities, Jan. 30, started as the girls’ basketball team met the West Nodaway Rockets on the floor. The girls starting for the Blue Jays were Vicki Amthor, Diane Meyerkorth and Nancy Sweeton, forwards, and Mary Jean Fox, Barbara Noellsch and Terry Thiesfeld, guards. With the first quarter ending 20-10, second quarter 40-20, third quarter 61-35 the game ended 90-49. High scorer for Rock Port was Diane Meyerkorth. Immediately following the girls’ game the Blue Jay boys faced the Rockets. Starting for the boys were Bruce Gallup, Rick Meyerkorth, Floyd Davis, George Carpenter and Richard Makings. Scores by quarter were: first 18-8, second 42-15, third 61-24 and final 94-43. High scoring position was shared by Rick Meyerkorth and Dale Anders, each with a total of 10 points. During the halftime of the boys’ game the cheerleaders presented a colorful pompom routine using black lights and white gloves to produce an unusual but pleasing effect.
February 11, 1993
The JV boys and Varsity girls and boys hosted games with the West Nodaway Rockets on Tuesday, February 2. All three teams were victorious with JV winning 37-34. The girls played a close game, but came out on top 55-50. The boys dominated and won easily 84-45. In JV action, Dan Croy lead in scoring with 10 points, followed by Zack Smith with 8. Barry Fentiman led in assists with 4, with Michael Phelps and Dan Croy contributing 3 each. The Varsity girls’ leading scorer was Patti Gubser with 24, followed by Mandy Runkles with 16. Amy Lair and Gubser both contributed 11 rebounds each, followed by Jill Meyerkorth with 8. Runkles led in assists with 6, followed by Lair with 3. Gubser also had 7 steals and Runkles 6. In Varsity boys’ action, Cory Scamman led in scoring with 27 points, followed by Tad Gebhards with 21. Scamman and Curt Christians hit the boards with 5 each. Scamman led in assists with 8 and also had 4 steals.
Old Time Notes Atchison County Mail
February 13, 2018