Captain Keith Dahlgren, Southwest pilot, started the “adopt – a – pilot” with the fifth grade classes at Tarkio Elementary on February 13, 2018.

Dr. Deborah Taylor, Tarkio R-I Elementary Principal, announces a school and business partnership with Southwest Airlines’ Adopt-a-Pilot Program. Captain Keith Dahlgren, Southwest pilot, volunteered to be “adopted” by the fifth grade classes at Tarkio Elementary. Captain Dahlgren will visit the classroom and share lessons in science, math, geography, and other fun learning activities with an aviation-related twist.
General Colin Powell, First Lady Laura Bush, President Bill Clinton, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and others have recognized the award-winning community involvement program for its contribution to America’s children. Started in 1997, in cooperation with the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum and the National Association of Teachers of Math and Science, the program has reached over 500,000 students todate. Every year hundreds of Pilots volunteer their time to mentor more than 35,000+ students nationwide.
What do children learn through Adopt-A-Pilot?
• Aviation Science – Students explore the science of flight, learning how you use the scientific principle to solve problems and answer questions.
• Geography – Students learn about geography. Studying state and country capitals, the location of major landmarks and geographical features while tracking their pilot’s journey.
• Time Zones – Students look into time zones and how to calculate the current time anywhere in the world.
• Math – Students use their pilot’s flight data to solve different math calculations
• Life Values – Students examine the importance of having values. They learn about the Adopt-A-Pilot F.L.I.G.H.T. Values: Fearlessness, Leadership, Imagination, Gratitude, Honesty and Tenacity.
• Career Planning and Goal Setting – Whatever their future career paths, students examine their interests and learn how education, hard work, and determination are necessary to reach future dreams.
Captain Dahlgren will visit Tarkio Elementary over the course of the next several weeks.