February 25, 1993
• The Tarkio Chamber of Commerce elected its new officers for the upcoming year. These officers are President Craig Livengood, Vice-President Kathi Irvine, Secretary Regena Irvine, and Treasurer Nancy Kyle.
• Tarkio Elementary and Jr. High students held their annual spelling bees to determine who would compete in the Atchison County Spelling Bee. Jr. high winners were Crystal King, 7th grade, and Brock Nuckolls, 8th grade. Brian Heits, 7th grade, and Kelli Prater, 8th grade, are the alternates. Elementary winners were Jamie Knierim, 1st place, and Andy Wynn, 2nd place. Paul Klute is the alternate.
• Tarkio High School wrestler Mitch Schupp won two of four matches at the Missouri State Wrestling Tournament, placing in the top eight.
February 22, 1968
• Ten members of Boy Scout Troop 88 were presented the highest earned award in scouting at the Methodist Churh February 11. They included Ron Watson, Carl G. Martin, Steve Breazier, Jay Seymour, Jim Jones, Chris Martin, Ricky Linthicum, Dennis Painter, Bobby Currie, and Allan Knepper.
• On February 12, 1968, the Interstate Commerce Commission ruled that the C.B.&Q. could not remove passenger trains number 22, 23, 26, and 27, on the Omaha, Nebraska, to Kansas City, Missouri, runs effective February 23, 1968, for up to four months. Within this four month period, numerous hearings will be held to decide whether this public service is warranted or not.
• Heavy equipment has been moved to the site of the atomic-powered electric generating plant south of Brownville, Nebraska, and work has started on the huge project.
February 26, 1943
• The 160-acre tract of the Hamilton Irvine estate which sold at a partition sale last week was purchased by J.A. Gerlash for $11,400. The land is six miles southeast of Fairfax.
• A group of neighbors and friends held a surprise farewell party Friday night, given for Mrs. S.W. Thacker at her country home. Mrs. Thacker, who has lived several years on the farm in the Moulton community, is selling out and leaving the farm.
• Mrs. Keith Hurst of Homer school and Mrs. Jack Talman of Wade, with the aid of helpers, issued 203 War Ration Books Two to families of the two school districts Monday. The ladies enjoyed an excellent dinner prepared by Mrs. Wiley Gray, who serves dinner at Homer school each day.