ACDC’s annual Community Business Lunches are happening this March!  These COMPLIMENTARY lunches provide an opportunity for you to learn about what is happening around your community and with your county development organization. ACDC staff and board will be on hand to discuss how they can be of assistance.
The Rock Port/Watson luncheon will be held Wednesday, March 7, 2018, at Rock Port Country Club.
Please RSVP to ACDC at (660) 744-6562 or by Wednesday, February 28 if you can attend.
The ACDC Tarkio/Westboro luncheon will be held Wednesday, March 14, 2018, at the Nutrition Center in Tarkio. Please RSVP to ACDC at (660) 744-6562 or by Wednesday, March 7, if you can attend.
They look forward to seeing all business owners, employees and people interested in the future of Atchison County at these luncheons!