Westboro, Missouri, writer Beverly Clinkingbeard has written a new book under the pen name Jeannie Edwards. With illustrations by Fred Weiner, the juvenile fiction read tells the story of ten-year-old Charlie Whitman, who “becomes a chore boy on a nearby farm, learns about taking care of animals, and plans for the future.”
“Jeannie Edwards grew up on a small farm in rural Missouri in a family without brothers, in which girls were handy with chores and field work. She heard stories from old farmers who remembered their days as chore boys and decided to share their stories and her own.”
Chore Boy, published by Archway Publishing, is available for purchase at the Tarkio Avalanche, on Amazon, or by contacting Beverly Clinkingbeard at 660-984-5494. Stay tuned for more books by Jeannie Edwards.
Beverly Clinkingbeard book available
March 20, 2018