The public hearing with the regular meeting of the Tarkio R-I Board of Education was held March 15, 2018, in the board meeting room at Tarkio High School in Tarkio, Missouri. The meeting was called to order by board president Steve Klute at 7:00 p.m. Board members present at the meeting included Chris Yates, Jeff Meyer, Lydia Hurst, Bruce Lang, Rachel Graves, and board secretary, Diane Hicks. Board member Jamie Barnett was absent. Others in attendance included Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman, Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, Tarkio R-I Special Education Director Kari Taylor, Tarkio Elementary Principal Deborah Taylor, and teachers and staff members Joe Unternahrer, Lesley Graves, Erica Taylor, Jennifer Peregrine, Dallas Prather, Deyton Thomson, Dustin Lambertsen, Dara Wennihan, Brooke Walton, and Markie Sunderman. Lisa Clement came in at 7:05 p.m.; Blu Dow at 7:10 p.m.; and Jayne Martin at 7:16 p.m.
The board voted to approve the consent agenda and also approved the district obligations.
Dara Wennihan reported that FCCLA students qualified to attend National FCCLA. The board voted to approve the overnight trip.
The board approved the third reading of the 2018-19 school calendar.
Mrs. Coleman gave an update on the acquisition of the Heartland Rec Facility.
The board voted to accept the bid from Langford Enterprises to sand smooth the entire high school gym floor and apply two coats of sealer.
Dr. Deborah Taylor reported the attendance in the elementary is 96%. The elementary took 19 students to math contest. Dr. Taylor reported 12 students qualified to move on to divisional finals on April 7. Dr. Taylor also reported that there is still room for students to enroll in preschool.
Mrs. Carrie Livengood reported the high school enrollment is 144 students and attendance is 96%.
Mrs. Kari Taylor reported that three special education students had transferred out. The teachers in the department and herself were organizing for the next school year.
Mrs. Karma Coleman set the reorganization meeting of the Board of Education for Wednesday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m.
The board voted to accept the resignation of Tarkio Elementary Counselor Katie Walter. The board voted to accept the resignation of Tarkio Elementary fourth grade teacher Kerri Wilson. The board voted to approve the hiring of Maria Spire for the Tarkio Elementary Counselor position.
The board voted to approve the mowing bid presented by Chris King for the years of 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Mrs. Coleman is going to report in April on the entire bus fleet.
The meeting moved into closed session to record and vote pursuant to RSMo 610.001-610.022 at 7:54 p.m. The meeting moved out of closed session at 9:45 p.m.
The board approved all elementary certified positions as presented, as well as all high school certified positions as presented. The board also voted to approve all extra duties as presented.
The meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m.