The Tarkio/Westboro/Fairfax Food Pantry Board met Tuesday, March 13, 2018, with 12 members present. Churches represented at the meeting were: from Tarkio – First Baptist, First Christian, and Presbyterian; from Fairfax – Baptist and Presbyterian; and from Westboro – Methodist and St. John’s Lutheran. In January, 111 individuals representing 49 families were served. In February, 85 individuals representing 40 families were assisted.
Members reviewed their inclement weather policy. If area schools are closed due to inclement weather, the food pantry will also be closed. If schools have a 10:00 a.m. late start due to inclement weather, the food pantry will also start late. They will open at 10 a.m. and remain open until 12 noon.
Items that can be used at the food pantry include Sunny D juice and apple juice, cereals, pancake syrup, sugar and flour. Monetary donations are also always appreciated as the money allows the shelves to be stocked with the items that are most needed. The board is most appreciative of all donations as well as the efforts of the many volunteers that make this ministry possible.
The Westboro Methodist Church will open the Food Pantry in March. The Fairfax Baptist Church and the Fairfax Christian Church will be responsible for opening the food pantry in April. The Food Pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays on the third and fourth weeks of each month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The food pantry is also open the third Tuesday of each month in the evening from 7 to 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Food Pantry Board will be Tuesday, May 8, at 9:30 a.m. The Tarkio/Westboro/Fairfax Food Pantry is located at 415 Main Street in Tarkio.
Tarkio/Westboro/Fairfax Food Pantry update
March 20, 2018