March Blue Jays of the Week were recognized for showing COOPERATION – working together toward a common goal.  The Blue Jays recognized for the weeks of March included – left to right,front row, Bobbie Reyes, Morgan Garst, Brylea Shrader, Claire Miller, Anna Weber, Audrie Meyerkorth, and Jayden Barbee; middle row, Locke Chaney, Kambrie Driskell, Jayden Jakub, Lincoln Jackson, Cooper Gibson, Lucy Ottmann, and Kamryn Lair; back row, Norah Watkins, Kinleigh Daugherty, Jayme McEnaney, Stevie Pritt, Clint Steffen, Ozey Hurst, Bracton Cook, Aricin Weber and Reid Ellis. Special thanks to Grace Church for the pizza party on March 30. April’s character trait is Perseverance.