Preston Jones playing the author, on stage as the Fashionistas Windi (Beth Davis), Cindi (RyAnne Herron) and Mindi (Kaycee Davis) police the outfits Melody (Rebekah Lucas) tries to wear to school during the Rock Port High School production of “The High School’s Guide to the Galaxy.”
Bully, Bif (Trais Lawson) is getting a taste of his own meanness by Nelson (Chris Sticken) and out comes the teacher (Kelcie Gaines) with her kitty spray water bottle to break up the fight during the Rock Port High School production of “The High School’s Guide to the Galaxy.”
Rock Port High School presented “The High Schooler’s Guide to the Galaxy” on Friday, April 13, at 7 p.m. The play was directed by RPHS language arts and speech teacher, Kerri Acton.
The play depicts four soon-to-be freshmen on the night before their first day of high school. As the students are fighting sleep, they worry about the many fears surrounding freshman year: class schedules, bullies, cafeteria food, dating, their parents’ expectations, what to wear and gym class. They begin to ponder why someone hasn’t written a guide to surviving high school. Just as they begin to drift off, they are visited by the author and editor of that very book.
The play was enacted by the following RPHS students, many of whom have been involved in the school play since they themselves were freshmen or even eighth graders. The play is comprised of several smaller roles, so most allow for doubling or more.
The incoming freshmen are played by Gretchen Tharp, Ayden Wilroy, Fischer Tharp, and Rebekah Lucas. Preston Jones plays the role of the author, as well as the counselor, and the roles of the editor and secretary are played by Josie Watkins. Dalton Brake is the gym teacher and General Paine, Kelcie Gaines is the teacher, and Darius Skillen is the lunch lady and Principal Mopes.
Others with multiple parts include: Gretchen Tharp, Beth/Gretel/Sarah/Nina/Noelle; Ayden Wilroy, Spencer/Greg/Kevin/Mark/Linus; Chris Sticken, bus driver/Nelson/Trent; Fischer Tharp, Chuck/Harold/Jeff/Ralph/Ethan/Victor/Larry; Kaycee Davis, Mindi/Vicky/Antoinette; Beth Davis, Windi/Tina/Fifi; Rebekah Lucas, Melody/Jessica/Lisa; RyAnne Herron, Cindi/Trish/Raven;Gyliane Green, Gina/Milly; Kelsie Davis, Laura/Helen/Francine; Scarlett Kish, Ellie/Jenny; and Trais Lawson, Biff/Tad.