The Atchison County Development Corporation Board met April 11, 2018. Present were board members Craig Corken, Lori Seymour, WC Farmer, Bob Alldredge, Roger Martin, and Lydia Hurst. Also present were ACDC Director Monica Bailey and Carol Clark.
The meeting was called to order by Seymour. Alldredge moved to approve minutes as presented. Corken seconded and all approved. Farmer moved to approve financials as presented. Martin seconded and all approved.
Director’s Report
• Community lunches were held in March. Rock Port hosted 40 people (speakers were Todd Stevens with the City of Rock Port and Karen Brown with Dusty Trail); Tarkio had 45 (speakers were Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman and Deputy Devon Sons, Atchison County Sheriff’s Office); and Fairfax hosted 30 (Bob Alldredge with the Fairfax Park Project and Fairfax R-3 Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Burright).
• Junior Job Shadowing Day was held on March 28. A total of 60 AC juniors shadowed 40 careers in 30 different businesses and organizations. AC seniors are initiating their job shadowing in April.
• ACDC has awarded 7 Business Improvement Grants so far in 2017. A total of $3,400 remains in 2018.
• Youth Beautification (#MakeACBeautiful) Grant information will be available shortly. Groups of at least three youth ages 10-17 (5th-11th grade) will be eligible.  Applications will be due this fall.
New Business
• The group reviewed nonprofit support requests that have been submitted in the last few weeks, discussed needs of both golf courses in the county and acknowledged the fact that the monies set aside in the Community Enrichment Funds have already been spent or delegated. Alldredge motioned to contribute $1,500 to each of the golf courses for improvement projects, given the economic impact of their role as recreation and tourist locations in Atchison County.  Farmer seconded, and all approved.
• Scholarship recipients were selected.
The meeting was adjourned.