Galactic Surveyors promises to be an exciting adventure for this year’s Tarkio Community Vacation Bible School participants. Members from the Tarkio Baptist Church, Tarkio Christian Church, Tarkio Methodist Church and the Tarkio Presbyterian Church continue to plan a fun-packed Bible School for children 4 years through students who have completed sixth grade. Bible School will be held Friday and Saturday, June 1 and June 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Tarkio Methodist Church. Lunches and snacks will be provided both days. A special closing will be held Sunday, June 3.
Although pre-registration is not required, it would be helpful. Registration forms are available at each of the sponsoring churches as well as at the Tarkio Elementary office. Forms may also be brought on the opening day of VBS. For more information contact Jami DeRosier at 660-623-016, Patty Rolofson at 660-736-5392, or the Baptist Church office at 736-4129 in the mornings.
Galactic Surveyors: Tarkio Community Vacation Bible School
April 24, 2018